
Privacy policy

1. Introduction

This site is operated by the Stafford Hockey Club (SHC). This Privacy Statement outlines the way in which SHC gathers and uses information relating to you, the user of the SHC site (“you”).By using this site, you consent to the use (including transfer) of information as described below.

2. What information do we collect?

We collect the following information from visitors to our website:

  • Information such as IP addresses and information relating to what pages have been viewed (e.g. using cookies as described further below)
  • Information volunteered by you (e.g. via online or offline registration forms), such as contact details, email address, whether you have chosen to receive future communications from SHC
  • Information relating to membership card transactions

3. How do we use your information?

We use the information we collect on the website to help us understand how the website is being used and to allow us to communicate with you. Such information will enable us to communicate with you on any matter relating to SHC, including the provision by us or selected third parties of relevant information, goods and/or services in which we think you may be interested unless you have chosen not to receive such material. Information may be transferred to third parties and internationally (including to countries without data protection laws) for the foregoing purposes.
You can (subject to payment of an appropriate fee) request a copy of information held about you at any time by contacting info@staffordhc.co.uk. In the event that the operations of SHC are transferred to or integrated with another operation, your details may be disclosed to our advisors and transferee of the operations of the SHC.

4. How do we use your personal information?

SHC may use your personal information, such as your name and contact details, if you choose to supply it, for the following purposes:

  • To perform the services that you have requested, which may involve contacting you by post or by email
  • To make parts of the website easier to use by not making you enter your personal information more than once;
  • For the detection of fraud and for market research purposes;
  • To perform services involved in the running on a hockey club; and
  • fFr other reasonable purposes, always acting within the limits of the Data Protection Act, 1998.

5. Cookies

The SHC website does use cookies. A cookie is a small file containing an identity code. Your computer accepts the cookie and stores it and when you next visit the website, the code is retrieved, allowing individual visitors or computers to be recognised. Cookies are used for a variety of purposes including providing personalised web pages and recognizing your choice of language. Cookies do not cause harm to your computer but if you do wish to stop your computer accepting cookies, go to the help section of your Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) where you will find information on how to do this.

6. Internet Security

SHC is required to ensure that personal data processed by it is subject to appropriate security. Although we will meet this requirement, we cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this website. As best practice, we also strongly recommend that you regularly run an anti-virus programme on all material downloaded from the Internet.

7. Updating your information and opting out

If any of the information that you have provided to us changes, for example, if you change your e-mail address or name or if you wish to cancel your registration, please let us know the correct details by sending an e-mail to info@staffordhc.co.uk. All email communications from SHC will include an unsubscribe facility. You can change your own personal details on the your information section of your account. You can also opt in or out of various club communications.

8. Other web sites

Our web site may contain links to other web sites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours.

9. Changes to Privacy Policy

If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on this page, and may place notices on other pages of the web site, so that you may be aware of the information we collect and how we use it at all times. We will also e-mail you should we make any changes, so that you may consent to our use of your information in that way. Continued use of the service will signify that you agree to any such changes.

10. How can you contact SHC?
We welcome your views about our website and our privacy policy. If you would like to contact us with any queries or comments, please send an email to info@staffordhc.co.uk.

Terms and Conditions

Stafford Hockey Club takes its responsibilities to its players very seriously. We have adopted and conform to England Hockey’s safeguarding policy and hold a comprehensive insurance policy to protect players and members of the public. We are registered with and comply with England Hockey’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for all club members and coaches in leadership positions. These checks are updated every three years most recently during the 2022-2023 season.

Important Contacts
If you have any queries or wish to report a safeguarding concern, please contact one of our welfare officers below. If you are a young person in need of someone to talk to about things that are bothering you, you can call ChildLine on 0800 1111.

Sarah Thompson, Welfare Officer by phone: 07808 761 057.
Jack Morris, Welfare Officer by email by clicking his contact on our club contacts page https://www.staffordhc.co.uk/contact.

Club Policies (found here)

The club has adopted England Hockey Safeguarding Young People Policy and Procedures, Equality Policy and Code of Ethics and Behaviour.

  • Stafford Hockey Club Young People Safeguarding Commitment Statement
  • Stafford Hockey Club Policy for Safeguarding and Protecting Children (including reporting pathway and whistle-blowing)
  • Stafford Cricket & Hockey Club Constitution
  • Stafford Hockey Club Members’ Code of Conduct
  • Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
  • Transporting young players
  • Stafford Hockey Club Playing Risk Assessment

England Hockey Policies (found here)

  • Safeguarding Young People in Hockey
  • Anti Bullying Policy
  • Working with Young People
  • Young Players in Senior Teams
  • Think Before You Post
  • WhatsApp Guidance
  • Photography Guidance

We also follow England Hockey’s guidance on inclusion, diversity and compliance. Further information and polices can be found on the England Hockey website.

Club Policies

The club has adopted England Hockey Safeguarding Young People Policy and Procedures, Equality Policy and Code of Ethics and Behaviour.
We also follow England Hockey’s guidance on inclusion, diversity and compliance.

Further information and copies of specific club polices can be found on the club documents section on our website.
England Hockey policies can be found on the England Hockey Website